Pelindo Investama

Annual Report 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama continues to improve to increase revenue every year, various formulations are tried to increase monthly income, the Company’s theme in 2020 is “Restructuring & Asset Recovery” which is a derivative of the Parent Company’s theme, namely “Business Stabilization”. In 2020, the Company managed to achieve a GCG score of 90.22% with a “Good” qualification, and achieved a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) score of 96.03, and a Corporate Health Level score of 70.13.

With its focus on Restructuring & Asset Recovery, it is hoped that PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama can continue to grow into a large company and can compete with other investment companies in Indonesia. PII Annual Report details can be downloaded at the link beside. Annual Report Tahun 2020

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