Pelindo Investama

Whitleblowing system

Whistleblowing System

To support GCG implementation conducted by the Company and its subsidiaries within PELINDO group, it requires sound monitoring system, which is efficient and applicable to all PII’s Members including stakeholders.

Submission of Violation Report

Parties that have the rights to report violations are every Employee of PII, PII Group members or third parties outside PII and PII Group who feel disadvantaged or justintend to report violations. Violations reporting can be done anonymously or with identity of the Whistleblower. Anonymous report submission is accepted, but must be attached with evidenCces or at least preliminary hint or clue of the violations. According to Whistleblower protection policies, those who submit reports that turn out to be defamations or false reports will be sanctioned and not obtain protection or confidentiality guarantee of Whistleblower. Sanctions to be imposed refer to the Company’s internal regulations up to criminal lawsuit.

Violation reports can be submitted by Whistleblower by e-mail or written report to:

– Website         :
– Email             :
– SMS/WA       : +62 811 933 2345/+62 811 951 1665
Telephone      : +6221 2782 2345
Fax                 : +6221 2782 3456
Po Box          : Pelindo Bersih Po Box 1074, JKS 12010

 According to Whistleblower protection policies, those who submit reports that turn out to be defamations or false reports will be sanctioned and not obtain protection or confidentiality guarantee of Whistleblower. Imposed sanctions are stipulated in Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) or Company Code of Ethics or refer to applicable laws and regulations.

Submit Your Report